Our career development dictionary contains definitions for hundreds of words related to the subject areas of careers, finding a job, leadership skills, and resume writing.
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AbsenteeismAcademic Letter of RecommendationAccomplishmentsActive Job SearchAdult Education ProgramAdvanced Placement (AP)Advanced Placement Examinations (AP Exams)Affiliative Leadership StyleAffirmative Action (Positive Discrimination)Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA)American College Testing (ACT)Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)Amoral LeadersAnti-Competitive PracticesApplicant PoolApprenticeshipArbitrationAssociate DegreeAt-Will EmploymentAttendance Policy (Absence Policy)Authoritative Leadership StyleAutocratic Leadership StyleBachelor's DegreeBack Pay (BackPay)Base SalaryBehavioral LeadershipBenefitsBid RiggingBlue Collar Worker (Blue Collar Job)Break Time for Nursing MothersBumping RightsBureaucratic Leadership StyleBusiness Casual AttireC-Level PositionCareer and Technical Education (Vocational Education)Career AssessmentCareer CoachCareer CounselorCareer ObjectivesCareer PathCareer PlanningCase InterviewCertified Financial Planner Exam (CFP Exam)Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE Exam)Certified Fund Specialist (CFS Exam)Certified Investment Management Analyst (CIMA Exam)Certified Public Accountant Exam (CPA Exam)Character Reference (Personal Reference)Charismatic LeaderCharismatic Leadership StyleChartered Financial Analyst Exam (CFA Exam)Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC Exam)Chartered Investment Counselor (CIC)Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU Exam)Chartered Market Technician (CMT Exam)Child Labor LawsChronological ResumesClassical UnemploymentClayton Antitrust Act of 1914Closing ParagraphCoaching Leadership StyleCoercive Leadership StyleCollective BargainingCollege-Level Examination Program (CLEP)Combination ResumesCompensatory Time (Comp Time)Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination (COMLEX)Compressed Workweek (Compressed Schedule)Concurrent Enrollment (Dual Enrollment)Confidentiality AgreementConflict of InterestConflict Resolution SkillsConstructive Discharge (Constructive Dismissal)Contingency Search FirmContinuing EducationContractual Termination BenefitsCorporate CultureCost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA)Counteroffer (Counter Offer)Cover LetterCover Letter BodyCronyism (Nepotism)Curriculum VitaeCyclical UnemploymentData IntegrationDecrease in Pay (Cut in Pay)Deferred Admission (Admission Deferment)Defined Benefits PlansDefined Contributions PlansDegree Inflation (Academic Inflation)Delegating Leadership StyleDelegation SkillsDemocratic Leadership StyleDental Admission Test (DAT)Directing Leadership StyleDiscouraged WorkerDislocated Worker (Displaced Worker)Dismissal CompensationDisparagementDissertationDistance Learning (Distance Education)DiversityDividing MarketsDoctoral Degree (Doctorate)Double Time PayDumpingEarly Action (EA)Early AdmissionEarly Decision (ED)EducationEffective Listening SkillsElectronic ResumeElevator Speech (Elevator Pitch)Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC)Emotional IntelligenceEmpathyEmployee Assistance Program (EAP)Employee Eligibility Form (I-9)Employee Engagement (Worker Engagement)Employee Lending AgreementsEmployee Poaching (Employee Raiding)Employee Referral ProgramEmployee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA)Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP)Employment Application (Job Application)Employment Background CheckEmployment ContractEmployment Credit CheckEmployment GapsEmployment Verification Program (E-Verify)Entrance CounselingEntry Level JobEqual Employment Opportunity (EEO)Equivalent Work ExperienceEthical Leadership SkillsExclusive DealingExcused AbsenceExecutive LeadersExecutive RecruiterExempt EmployeeExit InterviewExtended Benefits (EB)Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)Federal Minimum WageFederal Trade Commission Act of 1914Financial Risk Manager (FRM Exam)Flexible Benefits Plan (Cafeteria Plan)FlexplaceFlextime (Flexitime)Floating Holiday (Floater)Form W-4 (Employee's Withholding Allowance)Frictional UnemploymentFunctional ResumesFundamentals of Engineering Exam (FE Exam)Fundamentals of Surveying Exam (FS Exam)General Educational DiplomaGlass CeilingGraduate Management Admission Test (GMAT)Graduate Record Examination (GRE)Green Card (Permanent Resident Card)Green Collar Worker (Green Jobs)Group BoycottGroup LeadersHard SkillsHazard PayHeadingHidden Job MarketHiring FreezeHiring ManagerHoliday PayHostile Work EnvironmentsHourly EmployeeHuman ResourcesIllegal Interview QuestionsImplied Employment ContractIncentive CompensationInformational Interview (Informational Conversation)InsourcingIntellectual LeadersInternshipInterpersonal SkillsIntroductory ParagraphJob Club (Job-Finding Club)Job HoppingJob HunterJob InterviewJob Offer Letter (Job Offer)Job Qualifications (Job Specifications)Job Search Agent (Job Scout)Job Shadowing (Work Shadowing)Job SharingKeyword (Key Phrase)KSA (Knowledge, Skills, Abilities)Laissez Faire Leadership StyleLateral Job Transfer (Lateral Career Move)Latin HonorsLaw School Admission Test (LSAT)Legislative LeadersLetter of Inquiry (Letter of Interest)Limit PricingLiving Wage (Fair Wage)Long Term UnemploymentLong-Term Disability Insurance (LTD)Loudermill RightsMandatory Employee BenefitsMandatory Overtime (Forced Overtime)Master's DegreeMedical College Admission Test (MCAT)MentoringMerit Increase (Pay for Performance)Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA)Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD)Microsoft Certified System Engineer (MCSE)Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS)Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA)Miller Analogies Test (MAT)Moral LeadersMotivationMultiemployer Pension PlanMultistate Bar Examination (MBE)Multistate Performance Test (MPT)Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)National American Pharmacist Licensure Examination (NAPLEX)National Board Dental Examinations (NBDE)National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX)Natural UnemploymentNetworkingNew Job Orientation (Onboarding)Non-Compete Agreement (NCA)Non-Disclosure Agreement (Confidentiality Agreement)Non-Exempt EmployeeNonsolicitation AgreementObjective StatementOccupational Outlook Handbook (OOH)Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)Official TranscriptsOffshoringOn-Call Time (On-Call Pay)One-Time Termination BenefitsOnshoring (Homeshoring)Open InterviewOpinion LeadersOptometry Admission Test (OAT)Organizational BehaviorOutsourcingOvertime PayPacesetting Leadership StylePaid BreaksPanel InterviewPart-Time JobPartial Unemployment BenefitParty LeadersPassive Job Search (Passive Job Seeker)Pay in Lieu of Notice (Wages in Lieu of Notice)Pay Stub (Paycheck Stub)Pension PlanPerformance AppraisalPerformance Improvement Plan (PIP)Personal Day (Personal Leave)Personal Time, Fatigue and Delay (PF&D)Pharmacy College Admission Test (PCAT)Phased Retirement (Partial Retirement)Phone InterviewPiece Rate Pay System (Piece Work)Pink SlipPlacement TestPre-Employment Drug TestingPre-Employment TestPreliminary SAT / NMSQTPrescription Drug Plan (Prescription Drug Benefit)Price FixingProbation (Employment Probationary Period)Professional Engineer Exam (PE Exam)Professional Surveyor Exam (PS Exam)Purple Squirrel CandidateRecruiterReferencesReferral LetterReform LeadersRelocation Service (Transfer Service)Resale Price Maintenance (RPM)ResignationResignation LetterResume BlastingResume DistributionResume FormatResume Objective StatementResume PostingResume WizardsRetainer Search FirmReturnshipReverse Chronological OrderRevolutionary LeadersSabbatical (Furlough)Salaried EmployeeSalary HistorySalary Range (Salary Structure)Salary RequirementSales CommissionScholastic Assessment Test (SAT)Screening InterviewSeasonal EmploymentSecond InterviewSelf AwarenessSelf Employed (Self-Employed)Self-RegulationSeverance PaySexual HarassmentSherman Antitrust Act of 1890Shift WorkShort-Term Disability Insurance (SDI)Sick Pay (Paid Sick Leave)Sign-on BonusSigning BonusSituational InterviewSituational Leadership StylesSkillsSkillset (Skill-Set)Sleep Time (Sleep Time Pay)Social Job SearchSocial SkillsSoft SkillsSpecial Termination BenefitsSTAR InterviewStartup Casual (Dress Code)Stay InterviewStress InterviewStress Management SkillsStructural Engineer Exam (SE Exam)Structural UnemploymentSummary of QualificationsSupporting Leadership StyleTactical Leadership SkillsTalent ManagementTargeted Resume (Customized Resume)Technological UnemploymentTelecommutingTemporary Work Agency (Contract Staffing)Termination BenefitsTermination for CauseTime Management SkillsTotal CompensationTrade Readjustment Allowance (TRA)Traditional Leadership StyleTransactional LeadersTransferable SkillTransformational LeadersTravel Time (Paid Travel Time)Two Weeks' NoticeTying ArrangementsUnderemployment (Under Employed)Unemployment BenefitUnemployment DiscriminationUniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA)United States Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE)Vacation PayVerifying CompensationVeterans' PreferenceVision Care BenefitVisionary Leadership StyleVoluntary Exit Incentive Programs (Voluntary Buyout)Voluntary Reduced Worktime (V-Time)Voting Rights (Time off to Vote)Wage DeflationWaiting Time (Waiting Time Pay)Whistleblower (Whistle Blower)Work EnvironmentWork ExperienceWork VisaWorkers' CompensationWorkforce Reduction (Downsizing)Workplace Drug TestingWrongful Demotion (Negative Employment Action)Wrongful Termination
- The gender pay gap, the persistent disparity in average earnings between men and women throughout their careers, serves as a critical measure of wage inequality. This gap underscores the ongoing issue of income disparity, despite the ideal of equal pay for equal work.March 14th, 2024
- In 2023, global employee engagement saw a slight uptick, with 23% of employees engaged, up by two percentage points. However, a sizable 59% are categorized as disengaged, while actively disengaged employees, known as "loud quitting," declined to 18%. These figures highlight the persistent challenge for organizations to cultivate happiness and productivity in the workplace.January 31st, 2024

Moneyzine Editor
The Moneyzine editorial team consists of writers and content specialists with diverse backgrounds.
The Moneyzine editorial team consists of writers and content specialists with diverse backgrounds.