/News/MIT Finance Graduates' $174,752 Starting Salary The Highest Globally

MIT Finance Graduates' $174,752 Starting Salary The Highest Globally

Karen Idorn
Karen Idorn
2 mins
March 26th, 2025
MIT Finance Graduates' $174,752 Starting Salary The Highest Globally
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) finance graduates earn the highest starting salary compared to other finance graduates globally.
  • According to an MIT Sloan alumnus, passion, zest, professionalism, and high quality come to mind while remembering this amazing journey.

The earning potential for holders of a master's degree is generally more significant than for a bachelor's. However, the amount one may anticipate making varies substantially based on which institution one attended and the specialization of study.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Sloan School of Management is not only one of the most competitive MBA programs in the US, but it also produces some of the most successful business school graduates.

According to, graduates of the world-renowned Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Sloan School of Management's Masters of Finance program earn considerably more than other business school graduates. After three years as an MIT Sloan Masters of Finance graduate, the average pay was $174,752 in 2022. Moneyzine says this is far higher than any other business school's grads' salaries.

Leading Business School

While salary potential varies depending on factors such as gender, age, and field of study, an MIT Sloan degree confers a significant earnings advantage. The school's world-renowned reputation and connections in the finance industry no doubt contribute to the high salaries of its graduates. Graduates with a degree from MIT Sloan are set up for career success. An alumnus from MIT Sloan said that passion, enthusiasm, professionalism, and high quality are the words that come to his mind from this wonderful experience.

The high salary of MIT Sloan Masters of Finance graduates is likely due to the program's emphasis on developing students' quantitative skills. The program is designed for students who want to pursue careers in investment banking, asset management, and other finance-related fields. The skills that students learn in the program are in high demand by employers in these industries.
Moneyzine CEO, Luke Eales

The average salary of business school graduates from other top institutions, such as Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management, China, was $174,729, HEC Paris, France, at $172,593, and Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance at SJTU, China ($163,449).

Progress of Wages and Salaries

Wages and salaries have risen significantly in recent decades. In 1979, a full-time worker's median weekly earnings were about 241 dollars, whereas the comparable figure for a full-time employee in 2019 was about 917 dollars. Business school MBA graduates earned a worldwide median salary of $115,000 in 2020, while bachelor's degree holders could anticipate a starting pay of $65,000.

Choosing the right business school is a significant investment – both in terms of time and money. It's important to consider all aspects of the program before deciding. The salary potential of the school's graduates is one factor that should be considered when choosing a business school.


Karen Idorn
Karen Idorn is an experienced PR professional based in London. She is an established writer who always follows the latest trends in the finance industry and concentrates on delivering interesting, valuable content for audiences.