/Careers Guides/Small Business Website Statistics

Enlightening Small Business Website Statistics for 2025

Martynas Pupkevicius
Martynas Pupkevicius
Nikola Djordjevic
Nikola Djordjevic
16 mins
March 26th, 2025
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Enlightening Small Business Website Statistics for 2025

Websites are an essential component of starting a new business. However, not every new business owner has invested in a website to showcase what their company is about. If a small business doesn’t have a web presence, it can seriously decrease its reach and stunt growth.

We will delve deeper into the topic by looking at various small business website statistics, which we categorized to help you navigate. Finally, read until the end for answers to commonly asked questions.

Top 10 Small Business Website Statistics and Facts for 2025

  • 36% of small businesses don’t have a website.

  • 28% of small businesses with a website spent less than $500.

  • 68% of small businesses don’t have an email address on the homepage.

  • 94% of small business websites are mobile-friendly.

  • 28% of small business owners feel getting a website is too expensive.

  • 41% of small business owners feel their business does not need a website.

  • 25% of small business websites get updated less than once a year.

  • In 2020, 51% of small business websites increased customer interactions.

  • The slow loading speed of websites cost businesses $2.6 billion in 2020.

  • 35% of small businesses feel their operation is too small for a website.

General Small Business Website Statistics

Over 36% of small businesses don’t have a website.

Over a third of small businesses don’t have one, which is a large percentage. But why do small businesses need a website? In most cases, business owners don’t know the importance of a website for a small business, and they lose money to competitors with a website.

Some small businesses may not have prioritized website development due to a lack of funding. Others might feel that they get enough customers without a website. However, websites can perform other functions, such as building trust in the marketplace and informing customers about their products.

(Blue Corona)

35% of small businesses don’t have a website because they feel their operation is too small.

Statistics on why small businesses don't have a website show 35% don’t think their operation is large enough. A common misconception is that a business must grow before it is big enough to have a website. However, in reality, every small business should start with a website to attract new customers and generate sales.

The cost of a website nowadays is relatively low. Therefore, small businesses without websites can outsource website development for an affordable price that will pay itself through extra sales. There are also many’ drag and drop’ options suitable for fledgling businesses.


434% more search engine visibility is granted to websites with a blog.

Small business owners that choose to have a blog on their website can take advantage of extra traffic. This is one of the most surprising small business online marketing statistics. Blogs are inexpensive to create, and they can result in a horde of long-term traffic.

Additionally, blogs are a great way to educate customers about products and services. It's especially true when customers do not understand the products’ advantages or the problems they are trying to solve. Having a website with a blog is a key advantage.

(WP Forms)

The percentage of small businesses that spend less than $500 on a website is 28%.

Statistics on small business website costs indicate that almost a third of businesses do not spend more than $500 on a website. This is a relatively small amount of money for a business to spend to create an online presence. It shows that you do not need a large budget to create a website for marketing or generating sales.

However, you get what you pay for, so you may need to pay more to get the features that provide a great customer experience.


Almost a quarter of all small business websites get updated less than once a year.

Business website statistics reveal that most customers visit a website several times a year, sometimes just to see if there are new deals or promotions. Therefore, regularly updating your website provides a feeling that the business is evolving and providing updated products or services.


The number of websites without an email address on the homepage is 68%.

Many websites do not offer basic contact information such as an email address. This reflects poorly on the business since customers will be frustrated if adequate contact information is not provided.

Online the playing field is level, and even small businesses can beat bigger ones with the right approach.


30% of small business owners find it challenging to keep up with the latest technological developments.

Statistics about small business websites show the speed at which technological developments are happening every year is daunting for business owners set in their ways. However, not keeping up means business owners are at a disadvantage compared to other small businesses.

Outsourcing tasks such as website development and keeping up with other technologies enables small business owners to enjoy the advantages of technology.

(Blue Corona)

88.5% of the population in Canada and the US use the internet.

Most people in North America can be reached by digital means. Small business owners who take the plunge and build a website ensure they have access to most of the population in these regions.

Speaking of small business and online presence, statistics show websites allow business owners to control what they can share, while social media platforms limit the available functionality and maintain ownership over the profile.

(The Balance Small Business)

Benefits of Having a Website: Statistics and Facts

70-80% of people research a company online before buying.

This is one of the most interesting statistics on small business websites. Most people visit social media profiles, review portals and websites to decide if a company is worth buying from. When potential customers discover that a website is not available, it sounds an alarm.

Small businesses that invest in a website will have a higher chance of attracting new customers and converting them into loyal fans of their brand.

(Blue Corona)

71% of people feel they can find a better deal online.

Most customers nowadays understand that there is more variety online. Also, most industries have dedicated price comparison websites that help online shoppers find the best deal quickly.

Small business ecommerce statistics say most people will look for products online before they would at a physical location. Therefore, it makes sense for small business owners to have a website and take advantage of the bargain-hunting nature of consumers.

(WP Forms)

84% of people value online reviews as much as a friend’s recommendation.

Reviews can be one of the benefits of a website for a small business, as statistics point out. Online reviews are essential for customers as well as businesses. Reviews boost the social proofing products receive and increase the chances of sales. Also, they provide valuable insight into ways to improve products and services.

(Review 42)

92% of online feedback is believed to be positive.

For those running an ecommerce small business, statistics about reviews are more than encouraging, showing 92% of positive online feedback.

Giving customers a chance to leave online product feedback allows a positive light to be shined on products. In addition, customers cannot buy products they do not know exist or have no track history online. Therefore, buyer feedback can increase sales.

Business owners also have control over what feedback is highlighted on their websites. This can increase the positive attention products receive.

(WP Forms)

94% of small business websites are mobile-friendly.

Statistics about small business websites indicate that most small business owners are aware of the need to cater to their audience on different devices. This is important for small businesses that rely on local searches for customers. For instance, a restaurant might receive most of its customers from people on their mobile devices searching for a nearby place to eat.

(Blue Corona)

91% of customers have walked into a store because of a previous digital experience.

Customers will often research location-based businesses online before visiting. This allows them to find user reviews, look at pictures and decide if the store is likely to have what they need. Therefore, websites are a great way to showcase offers.

(Top Digital)

The Challenges of Having a Website as a Small Business: Statistics and Facts

According to small business website stats, when a mobile website requires more than 3 seconds to load, 53% of users abandon it.

Small businesses need to create a website that loads quickly. Otherwise, users will leave in frustration in pursuit of competitor websites that load faster. It is no longer enough to build any website in the modern era. It must have an excellent user interface and offer advanced technological features to compete.

This is especially true in markets where many high-quality websites have the lion’s share of the customer base. New businesses must be innovative and offer something better to attract those customers.

(Blue Corona)

Clutter-heavy design is believed to be the biggest small business website mistake, according to 84.6% of web designers.

Small business website design statistics show too much clutter confuses or distracts the users, which can cause them to leave the website. You’ll notice that many of the top websites online have a minimalist design philosophy that removes non-essential web page elements.

Small businesses feel they must provide more offers to succeed, but the opposite is true in many cases.


According to statistics on why small businesses don’t have a website, 26% of small business owners name its cost.

Website development costs might not be a priority for some small business owners. This approach might be based on a lack of understanding of the advantages of a website. Also, they could be overestimating the money required to build a website. Nowadays, there are freelancers and affordable services that can set up business websites within just a few days. Therefore, there’s no need to spend money building an expensive website right out of the gate.

(Top Digital)

19% of small business owners without a website feel that having one will allow their business to grow by 25% within three years.

When it comes to the benefits of a website for small business, stats show small business owners understand the value of a website and its potential positive contribution to their business. However, only around a fifth of them have this positive outlook. Arguably, education on what websites bring to the table will increase the online presence of small businesses.


Slow-loading websites cost online businesses $2.6 billion in 2020.

Nowadays, customers expect fast and responsive websites that allow them to checkout with just a few taps. Therefore, when websites load slowly, it causes many customers to leave.

Websites have to be optimized to ensure they are competitive. This means hiring professional website builders that can perform website audits and improve their functionality.


Small Business Website Trends

Client interactions increased on 51% of small business websites in 2020.

The increase is likely because more people are shopping online due to the pandemic. Also, the general population is becoming more tech-savvy, so they are more likely to buy goods and services online.


29% of small businesses without a website planned to build one in 2021.

Almost a third of small businesses without websites prioritized building one soon. This will put even more pressure on small business owners to consider making the investment or risk becoming obsolete.

The barrier to creating a website is diminishing. Nowadays, the average business owner can build a website using software that requires no coding.


41% of business owners feel their businesses do not need a website.

This is one of the most surprising small business website facts. A significant portion of business owners without a website feel that it does not apply to their business. This might be because of the nature of their customers or the industry they are working in. However, this could be a misconception.

Almost every business can benefit from having a website. Maybe not for direct sales, but at least for getting the word out about the brand or providing blog articles to educate the audience.

(Unikorns Magazine)

46% of small businesses didn’t have a website in 2018.

When it comes to getting your small business online, statistics show there’s been a significant increase in the number of small businesses that have a website since 2018. You can expect the trend to continue as owning a website becomes cheaper.

Furthermore, the pressure to own a website has never been bigger because customers increasingly expect it regardless of the industry.

(The Balance Small Business)

95% of all purchases will take place through an e-commerce store by 2040.

It’s estimated that within 20 years, most sales will be completed digitally. It means that the natural way of doing business is changing. The small businesses that adopt the trend will have an easier time getting customers than those that stick with old-fashioned methods.

Small businesses can compete with established market leaders by offering new technologies and features. Modern websites that provide a premium experience are a way of differentiating a small business from the competition.



To summarize, small business website statistics show the percentage of businesses that are getting a website is increasing. However, too many website owners are not making the investment because they believe it is not required for their company.

In reality, almost every business should have a website because it can increase sales, provide a place to leave reviews, and provide customers with a way to find the business. Expect more small businesses to have websites in the coming years, which will put pressure on the ones that haven’t taken the important step.


I do not plan to sell online, so do I still need a website?
Why is it important for small businesses to have a website in 2025?
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Why do many small businesses not have a website?
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Martynas Pupkevicius
Martynas is a seasoned freelance writer that has written on a broad range of topics over his 10 year career. He enjoys diving into the research and sharing what he's learned with readers.
Nikola Djordjevic
Nikola has over five years of experience in content management. During that time, he’s worked on over twenty websites in a diverse set of niches, ranging from healthcare to finance—most of which he helped build from the ground up.