Our financial planning dictionary contains definitions for hundreds of words related to the subject areas of buying a home, buying insurance, debt consolidation, buying a car, income taxes, college loans and retirement.
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30-Day Letter401(k) Plan403(b) Plan529 Plans90-Day LetterAbandonment Clause (Insurance)Absolute Beneficiary (Irrevocable Beneficiary)Abusive Tax Shelter (Tax Avoidance Transactions)Academic Term (Academic Session)Acceleration Clause (Loan Acceleration)Accidental Death Benefit (ADB)Account-in-Trust (Account Held in Trust)Accountable Care Organization (ACO)Accumulation TrustAd Valorem Tax (Property Tax)Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM)Adjusted Gross Income (AGI)Advising Bank (Notifying Bank)Aggregate Demand (AD)Aggregate Student Loan LimitsAggregate Supply (AS)Alimony TrustAmended Tax ReturnAnnual Percentage Rate (APR)Applicable Federal Rate (AFR)AppraisalAssignable ContractAssuming Institution (Acquiring Institution)Award LetterBack-End LoadBalanced FundBalloon MortgageBank Account TrustBank Holding Company (BHC)BankruptcyBankruptcy EstateBare Trust (Simple Trust)Beneficial InterestBeneficiaryBlind TrustBoard of GovernorsBudgetingBusiness Cycle (Economic Cycle)Business Trust (Massachusetts Trust)Buyers AgentBypass Trust (B-Trust)Capitalized CostCapitalized Cost ReductionCash ValueCentral Bank (Monetary Authority)Certificate of TitleCharitable Lead Trust (CLT)Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust (CRAT)Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT)Charitable Remainder Unitrust (CRUT)Clifford TrustClosed-End LeaseClosingClosing CostsCOBRACode of EthicsCoinsuranceCollateralCollision InsuranceCommercial BankCommercial PaperCommunity Development Bank (CDB)Complex TrustComprehensive Car InsuranceConstructive TrustConsumer Price Index (CPI)Contingent BeneficiaryContinuous ContractContractionary Monetary PolicyCooperative BankCopaymentCorporate BankingCorpus (Finance)Coverdell Education Savings Account (ESA)Credit HistoryCredit ReportCredit ScoreCredit Shelter Trust (A-B Trust)Credit UnionCreditor BeneficiaryCustodial AgreementCustodian (Finance)Debt ConsolidationDebt CounselorDebt NegotiationDebt SettlementsDeductibleDeedDepository Bank (Depository Institution)Direct LoansDisability InsuranceDiscount Rate (Central Banking)Discount Window LendingDiscretionary BeneficiaryDistributable Net Income (DNI)Donee BeneficiaryDown PaymentEducation IRAElecting Small Business Trust (ESBT)Employment Cost Index (ECI)Equity InterestEscrow AccountEstate (Finance)Ex Delicto TrustExcise Tax (Duty)Executed Trust (Perfected Trust)Executory Trust (Imperfect Trust)Expansionary Monetary PolicyExpatriation Tax (Emigration Tax)Expected Family Contribution (EFC)Express TrustFair Tax (FairTax)Fannie MaeFederal Consolidation LoanFederal Family Education Loan Program (FFEL)Federal Funds Rate (Fed Funds Rate)Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)Federal Perkins LoanFederal Reserve BankFederal Reserve Funds (Fed Funds)Federal Reserve SystemFederal Stafford LoansFederal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA)Federal Work Study ProgramFiduciaryFiduciary Tax Return (IRS Form 1041)Financial Holding Company (FHC)Financial Institution (FI)Financial SystemFiscal PolicyFixed Rate Mortgage (FRM)Flat Tax (Proportional Tax)ForeclosureForm 1040Franchise Tax (Registration Fee)Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)Front-End LoadGap InsuranceGas Guzzler TaxGeneration-Skipping Trust (GST)Grantor TrustGrantsGross Domestic Price Deflator (GDP Deflator)Gross Production Tax (Severance Tax)Group Life InsuranceHealth Maintenance Organization (HMO)Holding Company Depository Receipt (HOLDR)Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC)Home Equity LoansHonorary TrustHousehold Employer's Withholding Tax (Nanny Tax)HUDImport / Export Price IndexIndividual Policy Pension Trust (IPPT)Individual Retirement Account (IRA)Industrial Bank (Industrial Loan Company)Innocent-Spouse RuleInsurance Cutoff (Cutoff Cancellation)Intentionally Defective Grantor Trust (IDGT)Interest RateInternational Comparison Program (ICP)Investment Bank (IB)Investment TrustIrrevocable Income-Only Trust (Medicaid Trust)Islamic BankIssuing Bank (Buyer's Bank)Keogh PlanLand Trust (Illinois Land Trust)Land Value Tax (LVT)Liability InsuranceLienLoan DefermentLoan ForgivenessLoan ServicerLondon Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR)Long-Run Aggregate Supply (LRAS)Luxury Tax (Luxury Surcharge)Marginal Tax Rate (Incremental Tax Rate)Marital Trust (A-Trust)Master Promissory Note (MPN)Merchant BankMiddleman (Trust)Mileage ChargeMonetary PolicyMoney Supply (Money Stock)MortgageMortgage PointsMutual FundMutual Savings Bank (MSB)Naked Trust (Dry Trust)National BankNetwork ProvidersNominated BankNominee Trust (Massachusetts Nominee Trust)Non-Bank Financial Institution (NBFI)Non-Grantor TrustNon-Resident Entertainers' TaxNonbank BankNonrecourse Loan (Nonrecourse Debt)Offshore BankOmnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993Open Market Operations (OMO)Open-End LeaseOral Trust (Parol Trust)Parent Loans for Undergraduate Students (PLUS Loans)Pell Grant ProgramPermissible Non-Bank ActivityPick-Up Tax (Sponge Tax)Pigovian Tax (Pigouvian Tax)PMIPoint of Service (POS)Pooled Income Trust (Special Needs Trust)Postal Savings BankPour Over Trust (Pourover Trust)Power of AppointmentPreferred Provider Organization (PPO)Price IndexPrimary Beneficiary (Sole Beneficiary)Primary Care Physician (PCP)Primary CreditPrimary DealersPrimary Dealers Credit Facility (PDCF)Prime Interest Rate (Prime Lending Rate)Principal (Finance)Private BankPrivityProducer Price Index (PPI)Progressive Tax (Ability-to-Pay Tax)Protective Trust (Asset-Protection Trust)Provisional Notice of Cancellation (PNOC)Proxy TaxPublic Bank (State-Owned Bank)Qualified Funeral Trust (QFT)Qualified PlanQualified Settlement Fund (QSF)Qualified Subchapter S Trust (QSST)Qualified Terminable Interest Property Trust (QTIP)Quantitative Easing (QE)Recourse Loan (Recourse Debt)Regressive TaxRegulation YRepurchase AgreementReserve Requirement (Cash Reserve Ratio)Residual ValueResulting TrustRetail Banking (Consumer Banking)Reverse Repurchase AgreementRisk Pooling InstitutionRoth IRAsRoyalty TrustSafekeepingSales and Use Tax (Use Tax)Sales TaxSallie MaeSavings and Loan Association (Thrift Institution)Secondary CreditSecured LoanSecuritizationSellers AgentSenior Loan (Senior Debt)Shadow BankShort-Run Aggregate Supply (SRAS)SIMPLE IRAsSin TaxSpecial Purpose Vehicle (Special Purpose Entity)Special Tax AssessmentStealth TaxStreet NameStudent Aid Report (SAR)Student LoansSumptuary TaxSystem Open Market Account (SOMA)Tax BracketTax Code (Tax Law)Tax Reform Act of 1986 (TRA 86)Tax ShelterTax Treaty (Bilateral Tax Agreement)Taxpayer Relief Act Of 1997Term Life InsuranceThird-Party Beneficiary (Incidental Beneficiary)Title InsuranceTitle SearchTotten Trust (Payable on Death Account)Traditional IRAsTrusteeTrustee De Son TortTrustee Ex MaleficioTrustor (Grantor)Unclaimed Property (Abandoned Property)Unit Trust (Unit Investment Trust)Universal BankUniversal Life InsuranceUnsecured LoanVoting TrustWash Sale (30-Day Wash Rule)Whole Life InsuranceWidely Held Fixed Investment Trust (WHFIT)Windfall Profits TaxWithholding Tax (Retention Tax)Work Study
- When there’s only so much money to go around, there are often multiple savings goals competing for your money. Think of the young professional who’d like to get a more reliable car, buy a house, and save for retirement. Or consider the young family that’s saving for college, retirement, and a bigger house.March 22nd, 2024
- Dreaming of waving goodbye to the daily grind five years ahead of schedule? The road to early retirement is paved with more than good intentions; it requires a meticulously crafted strategy with surprising twists. It's not solely about what you should be doing—like diligently saving a portion of your income or investing wisely—but also about what you need to stop doing.March 22nd, 2024

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The Moneyzine editorial team consists of writers and content specialists with diverse backgrounds.
The Moneyzine editorial team consists of writers and content specialists with diverse backgrounds.