/Careers Guides/Adult Education Program

Adult Education Program

Moneyzine Editor
Moneyzine Editor
1 mins
November 22nd, 2023
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Adult Education Program


The term adult education program refers to coursework that enables adults to successfully transition to post-secondary education as well as apprenticeship training. The goal of adult education programs is to empower adults to secure employment and be active members of the workforce. Many of these courses can be done online, however, according to online education and e-learning statistics, up to 73%of students are not aware of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).


State-level authorities will oftentimes develop, support, and promote adult education programs. The primary goal of these programs is to help adults to become productive members of the workforce, while at the same time improve their standard of living.

Programs are typically targeted to adults over the age of 18, providing them with access to occupational training, post-secondary education, as well as employment resources. Examples of adult education programs include:

  • Literacy: emphasizes improving English reading and writing as well as the basics of mathematics, oftentimes using real-world contextual settings. In addition to vocational training, adults enrolled in literacy programs will often seek to advance their education through General Educational Development (GED) or other high school equivalency programs.

  • Technical Education: courses that provide adults with the opportunity to acquire a trade (carpentry, plumbing) or technical skills (computer literacy), enabling them to pursue employment or post-secondary educational opportunities.

  • High School Diplomas: coursework leading to successfully passing a GED program, enabling those that did not graduate from high school to demonstrate they've reached a level of competency normally acquired through high school study.


Moneyzine Editor
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