/Careers Guides/Finding A Job

Finding A Job

September 26th, 2023
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Finding a job is not always easy in today's economy.  Sometimes all it takes is a bit of advice to help get your job search started.  Whether it's searching for a job, or improving your interview skills, we can help you get on the right track.  Many experienced job hunters have a very good idea of how to go about finding a job; we recognize that fact.  That's why we've focused on individuals that are new to the workforce, teenagers and college students, because finding that first job is sometimes difficult.

Let's face it; no one likes getting fired from their job.  Getting laid off can be both professionally embarrassing and financially devastating.  Thankfully, it's possible to not only rebound, but also thrive after being terminated.  In fact, that's exactly what has happened to some very successful people.

It's a difficult decision to leave the security of an existing job behind.  Sometimes a change of scenery is needed to reinvigorate a career.  Finding a new job isn't easy; and the important place to start is with an informed decision.

As individuals rise through the ranks of corporate America, their value to executive recruiters increases too.  Whenever someone with valuable skills is looking to find a new job, it's important they understand how to work with a recruiter.

Perhaps one of the most important strategies used when looking for a job has to do with networking.  Leveraging this approach helps to greatly expand beyond the reach of a resume into a social network of people that may be able to help find a job.

With the growing popularity of blogging, many corporate recruiters are now using the web when trying to place, and find, job candidates.  By digging through job blogs, recruiters are now able to rapidly develop large pools of qualified individuals, while at the same time gaining valuable insights.

Being asked to write a letter of recommendation is an honor.  Everyone feels good inside when they help someone in need; so when asked to write a letter for a coworker or colleague, it's only natural to agree.  Unfortunately, it's easier to say "yes" than it is to put the note together.

Whether you're applying to graduate school, or trying to find a new job, it's often necessary to obtain a letter of recommendation.  The way someone asks for a letter is important.  It can influence both the quality of the written letter, and the likelihood a coworker, mentor, or former professor agrees to help

Sometimes getting a new job will require relocating a home and family; unfortunately, moving can be both expensive and time consuming.  Thankfully, many companies offer new employees the benefit of a relocation assistance program to help with the transition.

As the school year winds down, it's time to start thinking about teaching elsewhere in the fall.  In the same way, recent college graduates might be looking for a job in September.  It's never too early to start a search, and this article has a number of tips, as well as a list of resources, that can help everyone find the right job.

At some point in the hiring process, every prospective candidate will need to fill out a job application.  Some employers require candidates to fill one out at the beginning of the process; others might ask them to complete one while they're visiting for an interview.  Either way, filling out a job application is an important step; here's why.

The purpose of this article is twofold.  By providing an example of a job application, employers can use the document provided as a guide.  In the same way, anyone that's never completed a form before can gain a better understanding of the information asked on an application.

Whenever completing a job application, it's important the form be accompanied by an introductory letter.  The format will be very much the same as a cover letter, since both documents provide an opportunity for the applicant to summarize their talents for the reader.

A qualified pool of applicants is the key to finding the right candidate to fill a job opening.  Hiring managers start the process by writing good job descriptions.  Once written, the document can be posted internally to see if a qualified candidate already exists in the company, or posted externally to bring new skills and knowledge into the organization.

In this article, we're going to explain the right way to go about applying for a job.  In fact, we've outlined an eight-step process that starts with figuring out what kind of job is right for you, and ends with writing thank you letters after the interview.

There is a right way and a wrong way to do just about everything; including quitting a job.  In fact, leaving a job behind can often invoke a lot of emotion, which can sometimes lead to costly mistakes in the end.

Submitting a letter of resignation to an employer is the first step in a very important commitment.  Once the letter is delivered or sent, it's nearly impossible to pull back.   Before making that commitment, take the time to run through some pre-planning steps.

When seeking employment, you're frequently asked to provide a list of references.  The good news is that employers only ask for them when they're serious about hiring someone.  That's a good reason to have a list ready to send to a recruiter, hiring manager, or the employer's human resources department.

Here's the scenario.  You're back at college and constantly calling up mom or dad to hit them up for money.  It's a humbling and sometimes humiliating experience, but college life can be expensive.  But one day it dawns on you that finding a college job is the respectable thing to do!

Like clockwork, college students are faced with the same challenge after graduation:  finding a job.  In this article, we've compiled a list of ten steps that should help a college student find a job as efficiently as possible.

The job search tips that follow apply primarily to individuals still in school, or those that are recent graduates.  Over the past decade, finding a job has been difficult.  It's oftentimes a disappointing experience for college graduates that are looking for a permanent job, or those still in school looking for summer employment.

One of the challenges job hunters face is finding companies actively seeking to place new employees in their organizations.   Job fairs allow the unemployed, or individuals looking to switch employers, to gain exposure to a large number of companies in a relatively compressed timeframe.

In this article, we're going to review a number of websites that specialize in job listings for teens.  But first we're going to quickly talk about some of the labor laws that apply to teenagers, as well as the earlier work we've published on resume writing.

When you're a teenager, looking for a part time job can seem like a pretty big undertaking.  After all, even adults with a lot of working experience have a difficult time.  Imagine how hard it can be for a teen that doesn't have any relevant experience to put on their resume.

Schools out soon and guess what?  The parental units say you can't lie around the house all summer long, and tell you to start finding a summer job.  It really does make sense, because you could use the extra money to help pay for college.  Even better, you could buy some new clothes.

Perhaps the biggest mistake made by some job candidates is going to an interview unprepared.  When looking for a job, it is in everyone's best interests to do everything possible to maximize the chance of being offered a position, and that includes coming prepared for the interview.

Interviewing for a job is an anxious event; making a good first impression is critically important.  In this article, we've a list of 21 interview tips that should reduce that nervousness, and help applicants land the job.

Figuring out how to dress for an interview can be a stressful experience.  It involves meeting new people, trying to make a good first impression, and wondering what kind of questions they might ask.

When employers make hiring decisions, the thought process does not start and stop with interview questions.  Employers need to staff their companies with employees that are not only technically competent, but also culturally suitable.  They evaluate job applicants with visual observations of behaviors, including what occurs during business meals.

The questioning that occurs during an interview can happen in both directions, just like it does in everyday conversations.  The interviewer will have many questions about the job applicant's prior work experience, while the applicant might have questions about the job opening or the company's policies.

One of the latest techniques to hit the job market is the speed interview.  The method, much like speed dating, allows both the interviewee and hiring company to assess the potential match of candidate to corporation.  It also exposes the applicant to a large number of hiring companies in a short timeframe, thereby maximizing the chance of finding a job.

There are two ways to think about an interview.  The first is that it creates an opportunity for the hiring team to trip you up with their questioning.  The second way is that the dialogue creates an opportunity to explain exactly how you can contribute in a meaningful way.

The behavioral interviewing technique is not new.  In fact, it has been used for over twenty-five years.  The primary reason many companies switched to this approach was the behavioral technique is able to predict future success to a greater degree than traditional job interviews.

This article is going to provide what might be referred to as a data dump of job interview questions.  Being prepared for a variety of questions is essential, since the interview is a critical step in the hiring process.

One technique that's being used more frequently to screen job applicants is the use of behavioral interview questions.  This technique forces the interviewee to answer the question in a structured manner, which is good news for anyone conducting job interviews.

It's important to make a good first impression, especially during a job interview.  Recruiters and hiring managers are listening, either consciously or subconsciously, for certain terms or words that are often referred to as interview power words.  These are the buzz words to say during an interview to impress the interviewer and lock up the job.

You're back from a job interview and after answering all those questions, you're exhausted.  The good news is that ordeal is behind you, the bad news is the process isn't over yet.  To really make a good impression, it's time to sit down and start writing a thank you letter.

In today's work environment many companies allow, and even encourage, their employees to work from home.  Employees that are offered this option need to make sure they keep the implied promise:  They'll remain as productive in their home as they would be in the office.

Despite what some advertisements might claim, legitimate work at home jobs are difficult to find.  Many of these opportunities are better at putting money in the advertiser's pocket than that of the people looking to move away from the traditional office environment.  Fortunately, there are legitimate opportunities; if you know how to recognize them and where to look.

As college students, stay-at-home parents, and retirees look to earn some extra money, part time jobs are becoming more popular.  That's good news for employers too.  Many companies prefer to hire part-time workers, since these employees are usually not entitled to benefits.  This gives them access to a relatively inexpensive workforce, and the part timer a chance to earn some extra money without the commitment that a full time position requires.

Both experienced and inexperienced workers can add significantly to the marketability of their resume by volunteering.  The availability of volunteers is vitally important to many organizations, and is a feel-good activity for everyone involved.

Working abroad can be a satisfying and exciting addition to anyone's career development plans.  The rewards include not just a paycheck, but the opportunity to live in another country and experience a different culture.  Before deciding if working abroad is the right choice, we've put together some information that can help everyone make a more informed decision.

Becoming a social worker is a truly admirable choice.  These workers play a very important role in the health of America's social system.  Unfortunately, these professionals are also notoriously underpaid, and that hurts both the perception of this industry as well as their clients.

Every two years, the Census Bureau, along with the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, refreshes a study that forecasts job trends over the next ten years. he latest study was published back in September 2020; analyzing the job market in 2019 and making projections through the year 2029.

The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics recently refreshed a study that forecasts job trends over the next ten years.  That study not only forecasts growth over the next decade, but it also provides insights into the requirements of those jobs.

Every two years, the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics updates their employment projections. The information appearing in this article was first published in September 2020, and includes job growth forecasts for the years 2019 through 2029.

It could be argued that anyone can become a consultant (management analyst).  As long as someone has knowledge, there may be someone willing to hire them as a freelancer or contractor.  But what does it take to set up a thriving consulting business in today's economic environment?

For eight to ten months of the year, parents trust teachers to care for and instruct their children.  That's a tremendously important role they play in our society, especially when children are in their formative years.  It's also why becoming a teacher is such a rewarding profession.

Money can't buy happiness, but we live in a world where it's exchanged for goods and services. Until that economic model changes, higher paying jobs allow us to buy more of the things our families may want or need.

Fundamentally, there are three major hurdles to getting a raise in pay.  The first has to do with equity, meaning the person asking must deserve to be paid more money.  Second, most bosses don't voluntarily give them away, so someone has to initiate the meeting or conversation.  Finally, several people in the chain of command may have to agree to the increase in pay.

While it might seem like asking for a promotion should be a straightforward process, it's pretty easy for your manager to reject a request too.  Competition for scarce jobs increases as someone moves up the corporate ladder.  Whenever asking a boss for a promotion, make sure you're prepared for that conversation.

When employers talk about an employee's total compensation package, they oftentimes include the expenses associated with providing benefits.  These are the on and off-the-job perks that companies provide at little or no cost to the employee.

The requisite warning needs to be given to anyone looking to change careers:  The grass is not always greener on the other side.  With that out of the way, we're ready to provide some advice on how to go about changing careers.

Oftentimes we face challenges at work that later become some of our defining moments.  We're assigned a tough project, impossible deadlines, and goals that stretch our abilities.

It's strange how the term career opportunity is used in practice; since it can sometimes be used to describe both a big break in a career, or the last option someone might have at a company before they're terminated.

There has been a lot of talk lately about diversity in the workforce, sexual harassment, and hostile work environments.  Unfortunately, people don't always understand the differences between some of these terms.

There's a term in the talent management world that refers to a process called onboarding employees.  This idea has been around for quite some time, and it used to be known as new employee orientation.  But as we'll soon explain, onboarding is more about retaining talent than getting people settled in their new office.

In today's competitive workplace, it's increasingly common for employers to help employees deal with problems that reach beyond the office environment.  The packaging of these support policies is referred to as employee assistance programs, or employee assistance plans.