/Careers Guides/BYOD Statistics

BYOD Statistics to Rethink Your Policies for 2025

Martynas Pupkevicius
Martynas Pupkevicius
Nikola Djordjevic
Nikola Djordjevic
11 mins
March 26th, 2025
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BYOD Statistics to Rethink Your Policies for 2025

An increasing number of companies are implementing BYOD since it is easier for employees to use familiar and personal devices for work. On the other hand, this approach can cause issues with security, work-life balance, and fair compensation for overtime. On this page, you will learn about interesting “bring your own device” or BYOD statistics that will help you understand the effects of this practice.

Top 10 BYOD Statistics for 2023

  • By the end of 2022, the BYOD market will be worth around $366.96 billion.

  • Even when a company mobile device is not provided, 61% of companies expect their employees to be available remotely.

  • BYOD adoption statistics show almost 80% of US-based companies have used BYOD since 2018.

  • The most popular apps for 84% of BYOD employees are contact management, calendar, and email.

  • Almost 70% of IT decision-makers in US companies approve of BYOD.

  • BYOD stats show that productivity increases by 34% when smartphones are used.

  • Productivity and process are improved by mobility, says 53% of businesses.

  • BYOD instructions have not been provided to more than 50% of employees.

  • Only 39% of organizations have formal “bring your own device” policies.

General BYOD Statistics

Smartphones are the most commonly used devices for BYOD employees.

Unsurprisingly, the most used device by BYOD employees is the smartphone. It might be because smartphones are the most portable of all devices. Also, technological advancements have been made that have improved the battery life, processing power, and reliability of smartphones. This means they can be used to complete many of the same tasks as desktop computers.


By the end of 2022, the BYOD market will be worth around $366.96 billion.

Data shows that back in 2014, the market for BYOD was $94.15 billion. Since then, the market share has consistently increased as more jobs are created where BYOD work arrangements are applicable. Also, the cost of devices is increasing, so the market share numbers will also go up.

(Global Market Insights)

BYOD usage statistics show 67% of employees use their own devices for work.

2 out of 3 people try to use their own devices to complete work—even when it is not permitted. Familiarity with the device is one of the most important factors. Learning how to use a new device or switching between devices could feel like a waste of time and energy, especially when the work can be completed on a personal device.

(CBS News)

BYOD adoption statistics show almost 80% of US-based companies have used BYOD since 2018.

The large percentage of companies that use BYOD indicates that it is a widely accepted practice. However, in many cases, the devices permitted might be limited, so this figure does not shine a light on the complete picture. For instance, employees might be allowed to use their smartphones, but laptops and PCs must be provided by the company.

(Frost & Sullivan)

Even when a company mobile device is not provided, 61% of companies expect their employees to be available remotely.

When it comes to the role of smartphones in the workplace, statistics show most employers feel like they can contact their employees at any time via smartphone. This is especially true for sending messages on apps like Slack. This allows companies to effectively keep in touch with employees when an answer is required urgently, but it can put unnecessary pressure on employees.

(Samsung Insights)

Because of mobile work, companies benefit from 240 extra employee work hours per year.

The ability for employees to successfully work from home using smartphones means companies can extract more work hours than ever before. They get around $5,000 worth of extra work from employees who use mobile devices at home. Therefore, it makes financial sense for companies to allow BYOD in the workplace. However, these extra hours should be paid and counted as overtime. Also, if the official policy of a company is BYOD, reimbursement for purchasing a device should be expected.


BYOD Statistics for 2023

Less than 100% of company-issued devices are returned after the employee leaves the company.

Logistics is one of the main reasons BYOD is a great solution for large corporations, as failing to return devices or employees leaving during training can add up and create significant expenses. Having employees use their own devices reduces corporate costs when it comes to shipping and it also helps companies recruit and scale with more ease.


The number of employees using personal devices to connect to corporate networks is rising, 96% of companies say.

BYOD workplace statistics show employees begin the BYOD process using personal smartphones to connect to company networks. Once they see no pushback from the company, they can decide to use personal laptops and tablets. This enables them to complete work on familiar devices that contain the apps they need to be productive.

(Dimensional Research)

The most popular apps for 84% of BYOD employees are contact management, calendar, and email.

Most employees that sign into the network using their personal devices need to check their email, view their schedule on the calendar, and access contacts. These apps are the basic requirements of working in a team environment. In addition, up to 45% of employees use BYOD devices for accessing documents stored in the cloud. This means that with BYODin the workplace, there is less need to transfer files between devices.

(Crowd Research)

Up to 87% of companies rely on employees using their own devices to connect to business apps.

Business apps are essential to daily office life, and companies prefer if employees are connected at all hours of the day. Therefore, the best approach is to provide a BYOD format where employees can use personal devices with business app notifications turned on. The average employee accesses an average of 5.2 mobile business apps daily, providing a significant advantage to businesses.


Almost 70% of IT decision-makers in US companies approve of BYOD.

It is not surprising that most experts agree with the approach. BYOD benefits outweigh the drawbacks. BYOD improves the simplicity of running the network. Employees do not need as much training or technicians to maintain devices. This removes a large part of the burden from the IT team.


BYOD Productivity Statistics

BYOD stats show that productivity increases by 34% when smartphones are used.

Whether the business organization is small or a multinational corporation, smartphones allow employees to stay connected to each other and the company network. Therefore, it is unsurprising that using them boosts productivity by 34%. Therefore, it's become the norm for employees to use business apps that allow connectivity.

(Samsung Insights)

At 63%, the top reason for BYOD support by companies is improvement in mobility.

BYOD stats show most employers enjoy the mobility provided to their employees by the BYOD approach. This allows for flexibility in dictating the work environment and staying connected simultaneously. In some industries, employees may need to constantly make trips out of the office to meet clients and attend events. Therefore, staying connected ensures less time is wasted while traveling between locations.

(Crowd Research)

Regular office attendance should not be required, according to 69% of millennials.

This statistic indicates that the younger population expects freedom of movement in the workplace. Therefore, a BYOD work culture will likely attract a higher portion of talented younger employees that are vital for companies to grow. As millennials grew up with internet-connected devices, the transition to using the same devices for work feels natural. Also, it can make remote work easier, which is especially important to this demographic.


Productivity and process are improved by mobility, say 53% of businesses.

Workplace productivity statistics show the freedom to be mobile allows employees to be more productive. In some industries, businesses are always looking for a way to provide mobility to employees to complete their roles more effectively, and smartphones help by speeding up communication on the go.


BYOD Policy Statistics

BYOD instructions have not been provided to more than 50% of employees.

This insightful statistic shows that many companies have no ground rules or infrastructure for implementing BYOD. Instead, BYOD statistics show that in business environments, data protection, rules, and practices are too often left to employees to figure out on their own.


In 69% of organizations, the IT department is responsible for developing BYOD practices and policies.

Most organizations realize that the experts are best positioned to develop policies that make sense technically and will lead to the best productivity. They can decide on the best software for collaboration and project management. Also, IT specialists can set up cybersecurity practices that reduce any potential risks of BYOD.

(Crowd Research)

Only 39% of organizations have formal “bring your own device” policies.

This indicates that many companies understand the value of a formal “bring your own device” policy. It sets important ground rules and allows new employees to be inducted. However, 61% do not have a BYOD policy, which is a large number. This might be because most companies don't understand the benefits. If there are no problems, then doing the extra work of creating a policy might seem unnecessary.


Frequently Asked Questions

What are the biggest challenges with BYOD?
How do you create a BYOD policy?
How can employee understanding of cyber-security be improved?
What are the best devices for BYOD?
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Martynas Pupkevicius
Martynas is a seasoned freelance writer that has written on a broad range of topics over his 10 year career. He enjoys diving into the research and sharing what he's learned with readers.
Nikola Djordjevic
Nikola has over five years of experience in content management. During that time, he’s worked on over twenty websites in a diverse set of niches, ranging from healthcare to finance—most of which he helped build from the ground up.