/Resources/The Average Price of Cigarettes in the UK

The Average Price of Cigarettes in the UK

Hristina Nikolovska
Hristina Nikolovska
Karen Idorn
Karen Idorn
Keith Hodges
Fact checker: 
Keith Hodges
13 mins
November 28th, 2023
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The Average Price of Cigarettes in the UK

The average price of cigarettes in the UK continuously reaches new heights, and with the Prime Minister’s recent proposal that pledges to make England completely smoke-free by 2030, it is easy to see the government’s stance on smoking.

If the policy gets backed by the members of parliament, today’s 14-year-olds will never be able to legally purchase a packet of cigarettes. Whether you agree or disagree with this policy, one thing is certain – cigarette prices will undoubtedly go up.

With the current prices, smoking in the UK is already more expensive than smoking in almost every other country in the world. If you want to see exact details on just how much smoking costs in the UK, check out the statistics we have compiled at Moneyzine.

Average Price of Cigarettes in the UK – Highlights

  • The current average price of a king size filter packet of 20 cigarettes in the UK is £14.59.

  • The average cost of cigarettes in the UK has increased by just over 240% in the last 20 years.

  • With an average price of £16.35 per a king size packet, Silk Cut are the most expensive cigarettes in the UK.

  • The average price of a king size pack of Sterling cigarettes in the UK is £12.68.

  • The price of Marlboro cigarettes in the UK ranges from £12.25 to £14.15 per packet.

  • The average King size L&B cigarette price in the UK is £0.60, per cigarette.

  • The average King size Richmond cigarette price in the UK is £10.85.

  • The average price of 20 Mayfair cigarettes from the King size series is £12.20.

General UK Cigarette Price Statistics

The current average price of a king size filter packet of 20 cigarettes in the UK is £14.59.

Compared to October 2022, when the average price was £12.72, the average price of a packet of cigarettes in the UK has increased by 14.61% in just one year.

According to official government data, the average price of the same packet of cigarettes in February 1987 (the earliest data point) was more than ten times lower, or £1.43. Expressed as a percentage, that’s a 920.28% increase in the span of over 36 years.

The average cost of cigarettes in the UK has increased by just over 240% in the last 20 years.

The data suggests that the average price of a king size pack of cigarettes in the UK has been steadily increasing for the past 20 years, with a rate of £0.515 per year.

Moreover, between October 2003 and October 2004, and October 2004 and October 2005, the average price of a packet of cigarettes has increased by only £0.16, which is the lowest yearly increase in the past two decades.

On the other hand, between October 2022 and October 2023, the average price of cigarettes in the UK increased by £1.87, which is the highest yearly increase to date.

In the table below, you can see the average price of a packet of king size filter cigarettes, each year since October 2003.

Year & Month

Average price

October 2003


October 2004


October 2005


October 2006


October 2007


October 2008


October 2009


October 2010


October 2011


October 2012


October 2013


October 2014


October 2015


October 2016


October 2017


October 2018


October 2019


October 2020


October 2021


October 2022


October 2023


The top 10 most popular cigarette brands in the UK made over £4.5 billion in sales in one year.

A recent study on cigarette sales in convenience and independent grocery stores reveals that Benson & Hedges was the best-selling cigarette brand in the UK, making £1.113 billion in sales between March 2022 and March 2023.

Here are the remaining nine of the top 10 best-selling brands:

  • John Player & Sons – £781.9 million

  • Lambert & Butler – £664.3 million

  • Sterling – £567.9 million

  • Sovereign – £340.3 million

  • Marlboro – £329.7 million

  • Richmond – £217.2 million

  • Mayfair – £198.7 million

  • Carlton – £194.3 million

  • Rothmans – £188.3 million

With an average price of £16.35 per a king sized packet, Silk Cut are the most expensive cigarettes in the UK.

Broken down into a per cigarette price, one single Silk Cut cigarette is around £0.82.

Next in line is Marlboro, with an average price of £13.64 per a king size pack, while its per cigarette price is £0.68. A king size pack of Benson and Hedges costs £13.22, or £0.66 per cigarette, and a pack of king size Rothmans is £13.04 (£0.65 per cigarette).

Furthermore, the brand Sterling sells its king size cigarettes at an average price of £12.68 per pack (£0.63 per cigarette), Embassy sells it for £12.49 (£0.62), Mayfair’s average price is £12.20 (£0.61), and Lambert & Butler’s prices averages at £12.17 (£0.61).

The cheapest cigarettes in the UK are sold by Richmond, at an average price of £10.85 per a king size pack, or £0.54 for one cigarette.

UK consumers pay a 16.5% + £6.33 tobacco duty on every pack of cigarettes.

While the cigarette prices in the UK are influenced by various factors, taxation has the biggest impact. Namely, on top of the standard 20% VAT, UK consumers pay an additional 16.5% tobacco duty plus a flat charge of £6.33 on every packet of 20 cigarettes.

Cigarette Prices by Brand in the UK

A king size pack of Benson & Hedges costs £13.22 on average, depending on the series.

There are six types of Benson & Hedges king size cigarette packs, and their prices range between £11.85 and £15.86. Additionally, there are three types of super king size packs, all of which cost £11.85 per packet, or £0.59 per cigarette. Finally, there are three types of 5x20 multipacks, two of which cost £59, and one which costs £79.50.

Of the king size packs, the 20 B and H Blue, and Sky Blue packets are the least expensive at £11.85, while the 20 B and H Gold pack is the most expensive at £15.86.

You can see more details in the tables below:

King size series

Price per pack

Price per cigarette

Benson & Hedges Gold



Benson & Hedges Silver



Benson & Hedges Blue



Benson & Hedges Sky Blue



Benson & Hedges Dual



Benson & Hedges Blue Dual



Superking size series

Price per pack

Price per cigarette

Benson & Hedges Green



Benson & Hedges Blue



Benson & Hedges Sky Blue



5x20 Multipack

Price per multipack

Price per cigarette

Benson & Hedges Gold



Benson & Hedges Blue



Benson & Hedges Blue (Super king)



The average price of a king size pack of Sterling cigarettes in the UK is £12.68.

The most expensive of the Sterling King size is the Dual pack, which costs £12.75 per packet, or £0.64 per cigarette, while the Sterling Blue and Sterling Original Red are slightly cheaper at £12.65 per packet, or £0.63 per cigarette.

Moreover, Sterling also has three Superking size packets, all of which cost £12.65, and a double-wrapped Sterling Dual, which is a packet with 10 cigarettes that costs £60. This pack has the lowest price per cigarette at £0.60.

You can find more details about the Sterling cigarette pack price in the tables below:

King size series

Price per pack

Price per cigarette

Sterling Original Red



Sterling Blue



Sterling Dual



Superking size series

Price per pack

Price per cigarette

Sterling Original Red



Sterling Blue



Sterling Green



Sterling Dual Double Wrapped (10 pack)



5x20 Multipack

Price per multipack

Price per cigarette

Sterling Original Red



Sterling Original Red (Super king)



Sterling Blue (Super king)



The price of Marlboro cigarettes in the UK ranges from £12.25 to £14.15 per packet.

Marlboro Touch is the least expensive of the Marlboro King size series, with a price of £12.25 per packet, or £0.61 per cigarette. Marlboro Gold, Red, and Silver Blue are slightly more expensive at £0.70 per cigarette, or £14.10 per packet.

Additionally, Marlboro Gold has a Superking size series priced slightly higher than its King size counterpart at £14.15 for a pack, or £0.71 per cigarette.

Finally, the data reveals that the average cigarette price of the king size Marlboro series is £13.64 for a packet. For a more detailed view of the Marlboro prices in the UK, check out the tables below:

King size series

Price per pack

Price per cigarette

Marlboro Touch



Marlboro Gold



Marlboro Red



Marlboro Silver Blue



Superking size series

Price per pack

Price per cigarette

Marlboro Gold



5x20 Multipack

Price per multipack

Price per cigarette

Marlboro Gold



Marlboro Red



The average king size L&B cigarettes price in the UK is £0.60, per cigarette.

There are five different types of king sized Lambert & Butler cigarettes, and the prices for each of their packets is either £11.85 or £12.65. Broken down into per cigarette price, these figures translate to £0.59 or £0.63, making L&B one of the less expensive brands in the UK.

What’s more, the super king size series of the brand is also priced at £11.85, while the 5x20 multipack with 100 cigarettes costs £63.

If you need more detail about the pricing of each L&B box of cigarettes individually, refer to the tables below:

King size series

Price per pack

Price per cigarette

Lambert & Butler Blue



Lambert & Butler Silver



Lambert & Butler Bright



Lambert & Butler Blue Bright



Lambert & Butler New Crush



Superking size series

Price per pack

Price per cigarette

Lambert & Butler Blue Bright



Lambert & Butler Blue Real Blue



5x20 Multipack

Price per multipack

Price per cigarette

Lambert & Butler Silver



The average king size Richmond cigarette price in the UK is £10.85.

The most expensive of the series is the Richmond Original king size packet, which is £11.60. This is still an inexpensive price compared to other brands of cigarettes available in the UK.

However, the Richmond Original Soft and the Richmond Compact packs are even cheaper at £10.45 and £10.50, respectively. Their per cigarette price adds up to about £0.52.

The super king sized packets of Richmond cigarettes are the same price as the Richmond Original king size, at £11.60. And the 5x20 multipacks are £57.75, or £0.58 per cigarette, just like the Original packet.

These prices show that the Richmond brand offers the cheapest cigarettes in the UK, regardless of which series you go for.

Check out the tables below for a more detailed view:

King size series

Price per pack

Price per cigarette

Richmond Original



Richmond Original Soft



Richmond Compact



Superking size series

Price per pack

Price per cigarette

Richmond Original



Richmond Bright



Richmond Green Filter



5x20 Multipack

Price per multipack

Price per cigarette

Richmond Original



Richmond Original (Super king)



Richmond Green Filter (Super king)



The average price of 20 Mayfair cigarettes from the King size series is £12.20.

The brand Mayfair has a variety of King size cigarette packs, including the Gold and Silver, both of which are priced at £10.99 or £0.55 per cigarette, and the Original Blue, Green, and White flavours, priced at £13.00, or £0.65 per cigarette.

Furthermore, these prices are also carried over to the super king size series, where the Mayfair Gold and Silver are £10.99 for a pack, while the Mayfair Original and Sky Blye are £13.00.

Considering that the average price of a Mayfair packet is lower than the average price of 20 cigarettes in the UK, Mayfair is considered a relatively inexpensive brand of cigarettes.

You can find more details about the individual packs in the tables below:

King size series

Price per pack

Price per cigarette

Mayfair Gold



Mayfair Silver



Mayfair Original Blue



Mayfair Green



Mayfair White



Superking size series

Price per pack

Price per cigarette

Mayfair Gold



Mayfair Silver



Mayfair Original Blue



Mayfair Sky Blue



5x20 Multipack

Price per multipack

Price per cigarette

Mayfair Original Blue



The price of Embassy cigarettes in the UK ranges from £10.90 to £15.15.

Apart from the Embassy Red, which is priced at £15.15, all of the other flavours of the King size series of the Embassy brand of cigarettes are priced at £11.60, or under the national average.

The average price of a King sized packet of Embassy cigarettes adds up to around £12.49, while the Superking size series are significantly less expensive, at £10.90.

Refer to the tables below for more detailed information about the cost of smoking cigarettes from the brand Embassy:

King size series

Price per pack

Price per cigarette

Embassy Gold



Embassy Silver



Embassy Red



Embassy New Crush



Superking size series

Price per pack

Price per cigarette

Embassy Signature Gold



5x20 Multipack

Price per multipack

Price per cigarette

Embassy Signature Gold



The price of a single cigarette from the brand Silk Cut averages at £0.82

With a price of £16.35 per pack, Silk Cut is the brand that sells the most expensive cigarettes in the UK. There is no variety in the brand’s pricing, and all of the packs from all series, king size, and super king size, are priced at £16.35.

The tables below hold more detailed information:

King size series

Price per pack

Price per cigarette

Silk Cut Silver



Silk Cut Blue



Silk Cut Purple



Superking size series

Price per pack

Price per cigarette

Silk Cut Purple 100s



5x20 Multipack

Price per multipack

Price per cigarette

Silk Cut Silver



Silk Cut Purple



King-sized Rothmans cigarettes in the UK are sold at an average price of £13.04.

Only the Rothmans Original are sold at £15.15, while the Rothmans Silver and Blue are sold at a considerably lower price of £11.85. Additionally, the brand also sells a 24-cigarette king size packet at a price of £13.30. This packaging has the lowest per cigarette price at £0.55.

As for the Superking series, Rothmans Blue is sold at the same price as its king size counterpart, at £11.85 per pack.

If you need more detailed information about each individual Rothmans cigarette pack price, check out the tables below:

King size series

Price per pack

Price per cigarette

Rothmans Original



Rothmans Silver



Rothmans Blue



King size series (24 pack)

Price per pack

Price per cigarette

Rothmans Blue



Superking size series

Price per pack

Price per cigarette

Rothmans Blue



The Bottom Line

According to the latest available information, 12.9% of the UK population are habitual smokers. Compared to just over a decade ago, in 2011, when 20.2% of Brits were smoking, that’s a decrease of 7.3 percentage points, which is commendable.

We will have to wait and see whether the increased cost of cigarettes, in addition to other government policies that discourage smoking, will make the UK a completely smoke-free nation.

How many cigarettes are in a pack in the UK?
How many packs of cigarettes are in a carton?
Why are cigarettes so expensive in the UK?
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Hristina Nikolovska
Hristina Nikolovska, a graduate of the University of Lodz, is a skilled finance writer for Moneyzine. With a knack for simplifying intricate financial topics, her articles provide readers with clear and actionable insights
Keith Hodges
Fact Checker
Keith Hodges
Formerly a dedicated journalist, Keith has extensive experience in the personal finance and investment sectors. Now, he plays a pivotal role in commissioning and researching compelling and relevant topics, ensuring the content resonates with audiences.